Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Wondering where I washiding  in the past few months?here goes my story :

In my last tweet in December I was in paris for a training(I finally changed my job and moved to a decent company: Murex systems (not linked to murex d’or)
paris was great as usual during christmas season (la ville lumiere)

While in paris I noticed a loss of vision in the right eye, I did not give it any importance and said I’ll check with my ophthalmologist when back to Beirut

After check up the clinical result showed no problem in the eye itself but the doctor asked for brain RMI imageto identify twhere the vision malfunction is .

Long story short the RMI showed a large tumor(8-12cm) in the head was so big that my brain was being pushed andcrushed against my skull thus affecting my vision (occipital lobe responsible for vision remember biology in terminal??:) )

an immediate surgery was advised to prevent further damagein other functions my neurosurgeon dr Ibrahim saikali operated me for 9 hours at Clemenceau medical center to remove parts of the tumor in theright frontal foreheadventricul

(this partof the braincontrols the left side motricity) this is why I did a post operation left side hemiplegy (paralysedmy left arm and leg)like a 'felij' effect

the tumor was not totally removedand was cancerous this is why I had to go through 30 chemotherapy radiotherapy treatment sessions(to reduce the remaining part of it
in addition to physiotherapysessions to regain mobility

needles to describe the difficulty for me and my parents to do these sessions while in a wheel chair during this exceptional heavy winter season especially that no infrastructure is designed in Lebanon for wheelchair users, even in hospitalsand medical centers

so my daily programfor 30days was :

1- Chemotherapyin the morning

2- Radiotherapyat noon

3- physiotherapyin the afternoon

to end this post on a positive note :

I got engaged !!!yes I finally met my soul mate who stood by me during this horrible

 experience I thank god for this angel and my parents and friends who supported me to maintain a high moral and solid fighting spirit

now, why i a m posting on this subject??:
1- I consider it a part of my therapy to continue mnormallymy life when fighting cancer 
2- i want to highlight the exponential grow of cancer ratio in lebanon (the radiotherapy section in hospitals are full of patients- pollution bad food...)an unofficial statistic reveals a ratio 4 times more than normal
3- i want to speak about what we lebanese call 'hayda l marad '(as if it is a taboo subject)
Today : I a m still undergoing chemotheraoy sessionsthe tumor volume is reducing slowly progressively and …
im walking again :D and back to work... life goes on
i still dont see with the right eye(please excuse the typo mistakes)

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