1 month in Riyad - The good, the bad and the worst
Things you learn /see when in Riyo :) :
- Weird buildings

- Smart women, way more educated than men: at least the ones I got the chance to work with, but again one should consider that these women represents the elite of the Saudi society since they have this strong will to work (working women is not in the Saudi culture)
- Smelly taxis : this was the hardest part in the morning when heading to the office
- Junk food overdose : Hardee's, BK, Kudu, Pizza hut, Subway loop...
I really missed my mum's cooking
- Work work and work: When in Riyo you have a tendency to become workaholic, you hate week ends (Thursday and Friday) since you have nothing to do. Even the malls are restricted to single guys!
- Interesting projects big opportunities : the best part of my trip... Intranet governance, Online strategy, solution roadmaps etc... and guess what ? : they won't ask you about the cost... they just want it done !! Apparently KSA did not know about the financial crisis.
- On prayer times (5 times a day) you become a prisoner ! everything is closed
- Detox : Thanks to Saudi no alcohol policy, (munkar) I finally managed to keep away from alcohol for one whole month...
ok, it wasn't by choice, so I'm not claiming the credit, but my doctor is gonna be so happy
- Saudis are very kind people :like that guy at traffic red light stop who offered us his pizza and really insisted that we share it... otherwise he will divorce his wife ! (!علي الطلاق! علي الطلاق)
- Compounds : I hated these silos where foreigners and expats live
- Last but not least : Finally some time to blog