Friday, July 30, 2010

30 + TVA !

Long time no post !!
I know what you are probably saying : I am not a frequent blogger ! but what the hell, I blog when I have something to say... not for keeping high traffic to my blog !!
So no pressure and no stress…
For me, blogging is for letting loose, not for creating more burden or stress

Speaking of stress , lately I’ve been under a lot of stress and here are the reasons:
- I’m 33 years old or 30 + TVA like my friend Rubs like to say!! and YES we guys stress about age too
- I have been offered a very nice business opportunity , but involves high risk , so I have to get back with an answer soon enough , and to be honest I haven’t made up my mind yet
- And… I’ll spare you the details of my private life.

Anyway today’s post is gonna be about… (drums rolling )… ba3rif (don't know) !
So I’ll choose a recent pic and tell you its story (wow It was so easier when this blog used to be a simple photo blog…)
The below pic was taken last Sunday, at my family house in the mountains, as u can see there are plenty of kids in it and thank god they are not mine…
BUT I am their godfather… (yeah… A pretty expensive role on xmas !!)

More seriously these little devils were my bday choir singing me happy bday until I shouted at them to shut up. And I enjoyed it more than David guetta’s F**** me im Famous, White and Sky bar celebrations with my friends (no offense guys)
Is it a sign that I’m getting old ???
I’d like to believe its not :)

PS here are the gifts I have received

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